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A Call for Application in the Department of Computing & Information Technology

The Department of Computing & Information Technology through the Academic Registrar UCU-Bishop Barham University college invites applications for 2023 – 2024 Academic year for May and September intakes in the following Programs.


When you choose an Information Technology career path, you will have a variety of job opportunities to choose from. They include the following.

  1. Business Intelligence Analyst: Produce financial and market intelligence by querying data repositories and generating periodic reports.
  2. Computer and Information Research Scientist: Conduct research into fundamental computer and information science as theorists, designers, or inventors.
  3. Computer Network Architect: Design and implement computer and information networks, such as local area networks (LAN), wide area networks (WAN), intranets, extranets, and other data communications networks.
  4. Computer Network Support Specialist: Analyze, test, troubleshoot, and evaluate existing network systems, such as local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), and Internet systems or a segment of a network system. Perform network maintenance to ensure networks operate correctly with minimal interruption.
  5. Computer Programmer: Create, modify, and test code, forms, and scripts that allow computer applications to run.
  6. Computer Systems Analyst: Analyze science, engineering, business, and other data processing problems to implement and improve computer systems. Analyze user requirements, procedures, and problems to automate or improve existing systems and review computer system capabilities, workflow, and scheduling limitations
  7. Computer Systems Engineer: Design and develop solutions to complex applications problems, system administration issues, or network concerns. Perform systems management and integration functions.
  8. Database Administrator: Administer, test, and implement computer databases, applying knowledge of database management systems. Coordinate changes to computer databases. May plan, coordinate, and implement security measures to safeguard computer databases.
  9.  Geographic Information Systems Technician.
  10. Geospatial Information Scientists and Technologist.
  11. Information Security Analyst: Plan, implement, upgrade, or monitor security measures for the protection of computer networks and information.
  12. Information Technology Project Manager: Plan, initiate, and manage information technology (IT) projects. Lead and guide the work of technical staff.
  13. Cyber security Specialist: They work to make sure that networks are safe from external threats like hackers or crackers who want access for malicious purposes.
  14. Network and Computer Systems Administrator: Install, configure, and support an organization’s local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), and Internet systems or a segment of a network system.
  15. Software Developer: Software developers are the creative minds behind computer programs
  16. Software Quality Assurance Engineers and Tester: Develop and execute software test plans in order to identify software problems and their causes.
  17. Telecommunications Engineering Specialist: Design or configure voice, video, and data communications systems.
  18. Video Game Designer: Design core features of video games. Specify innovative game and role-play mechanics, story lines, and character biographies.
  19. Web Administrator & Web Developer: Manage web environment design, deployment, development and maintenance activities. They also Design, create, and modify Web sites.
  20. IT infrastructure engineer: IT infrastructure engineers are specialists who are usually in charge of the hardware aspects of a business network.
  21. Application engineer: Application engineers are people who work with computers to design and improve specialty equipment and enhance software programs.
  22. Computer User Support Specialist: Provide technical assistance to computer users.
NOCOURSEDurationENTRY Requirements
  1  Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT)  3 YEARSUACE or equivalent, with 2 Principal passes and a credit in UCE / UACE mathematics, plus UCE or equivalent with 5 passes;
OR a Diploma in a related field of study.
  2  Diploma in Information Technology (DIT)  2 YEARSUACE or equivalent, with a Principal pass and 2 subsidiary passes plus a credit in UCE/UACE mathematics, & UCE or equivalent with five passes;
OR a Certificate in a related field of study
3Certificate in Information Technology (CIT)2 YEARSUCE or equivalent

Contact us.

ACADEMIC REGISTRAR: +256772 56885 | +256701 163950

COORDINATOR IT DEPARTMENT: +256779 538344 | +256700 538344

Rugby! A life changing sport for the girl child

Games and sports are important in every society. They involve everyone  that is players and spectators .There are many types of sports; soccer, basketball and rugby are some of the team sports in which teams play against each other well as golf is an individual sport as well as athletics. Sports often reflect the culture of a country in which they are played. In many ways, sports define a society. They show how people can make a living and also sports entertain people. Most of all, they give people something to focus on and follow which is a sort of release from the stressful chores of everyday life.

I am a rugby player. I started playing rugby in August 2022 and learnt a lot from it. I was in my second year Uganda Christian University Bishop Barham College when I had my first game. In all honesty, the game is not only remarkable but also scary. The scariest part was the fear of being squashed by the gigantic playmates. Rugby however has the capacity to boost ones confidence and enhances one’s self-esteem since it boosts a player’s instincts and skills in the game.

I commend my friend Swiffah Nduhukire who introduced me to this sport and convinced me to start playing it. To my great surprise and pleasure, with continued practice, I became the woman of the match that happened in the first circuit out of the three circuits that took place in Masaka. .  In that game, we managed to be the second.  A rugby player or any other sports person is motivated by cheering of the spectators. The loud ululations are like food to a sports person. We were the overall winners and we were given three trophies. I remember that day vividly 3rd September my birthday. We received the trophies at Kakyeka stadium in Mbarara. This was indeed the happiest moment in my life.

After one week, I was invited to go for trials on the Uganda Women Rugby under twenty (U20). The Western Rugby Manager supported me to and from kyadondo and fortunately I emerged a winner on the National team. I enjoyed my first Rugby game with Kenya at Wankulukuku stadium Mutesa 2 where we made five tries to zero as I made my try as well. Remember on my new team I did not know anybody but because of teamwork and being a sports lady I managed. And everyone including my fellow players got surprised when I made a try.

My second game was with Zimbabwe where we drew and that meant we had been knocked out. That marked the end of my participation in that tournament but I came back with joy and happiness. Am grateful to God for am the first female Rugby player in my university, family and friends to play for the nation. I have established myself on the National team and hope to play more games in the future. I want to thank my university Bishop Barham especially the principal, the university secretary, the dawn of students, the public relations officer and the coach. On a special not my parents, my most loved boyfriend Leni and friends especially Leticia, Brina and Swiffa for the encouragement and support always.


New Student Leadership Sworn  

On the 19 of November 2022, BBUC held guild election that saw Namara Owen winning the contest. He is a second year student perusing bachelors of Education. He takes off from Mr. Amos Nomwesigwa, a third year student doing bachelors of Social Work and social administration. In his remarks Amos Nomwesigwa appreciated the Forward to Excellence Government, BBUC Staff and BBUC community for the support they rendered to him during his tenure of Service.  He requested that the same should be done for H.E Owen Namara.

H.E excellence Owen Namara Sworn in today the 15/12/2022. In his speech, he requested his team members to take on service with courage well knowing that returns are heavenly.

Mr.Amos Nomwesigwa Former Gild President

BBUC Holds its first Post COVID-19 Graduation ceremony

Bishop Barham University College, a Constituent College of Uganda Christian University held its first Post COVID-19 Graduation ceremony on the 2/12/2022 passing out 270 students from 38 different academic courses.

Bishop Barham University College last held its graduation ceremony at home in Kabale Municipality on 15th October 2019, and the following schedule was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic that forced the Government to suspend mass gatherings including physical education activities.

All other graduation ceremonies have been held from Uganda Christian University, Main Campus Headquarters in Mukono and the previous Bishop Barham University College Graduand have been contrived to travel to the main campus, while others participated virtually because of the expenses involved, especially on transport.

While Officiating at Ceremony on Friday held at St Peters Cathedral Rugarama gardens at Rugarama hill in Kabale Municipality, the Uganda Christian University Vice Chancellor Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi announced that all Uganda Christian University Sister colleges have officially been cleared to resume periodic Physical graduation ceremonies.

Prof. Mushengyezi asked the graduates to protect the good name of UCU by behaving well and performing excellently wherever they would be placed for employment.

“Uganda Christian University is known for its good name and excellence, therefore we request you to protect and maintain that brand wherever you go,” he said

Speaking as the Chief Guest, Dr. Brian Rushaju, the Kampala based dental Surgeon implored the graduates to contribute efforts in the Social economic transformation of Uganda and Africa at large through innovations and creativity.

The Bishop Barham University College Principal Dr. Alice Jossy Kyobutungi used the opportunity to recognize partners who had tremendously contributed to the growth, development and sustainability of the institution. Notable among them was Businessman Musinguzi Garuga who reportedly donated 100 million to the institution in sponsorship of 100 students from Kigezi sub-region.

“Special thanks go to academic sponsors for our students including Compassion International, sponsors from Canada and U.S and U.K, Former and Current Head teacher Bubare S.S, and in a special way, we thank Mr. Musinguzi Garuga who donated 100 million to sponsor some students from Kigezi region.” she Said.

Out of the 270 students who graduated in different Degree, Diploma and Certificate Programs, 164 were males, while 106 were females

Five students including the Rukiga District Speaker, Mr. Oscar Akampurira attained a first class in degree programs.

BBUC Joins Diocese of Kigezi to commemorate the late Bishop Festo Kivenjere.

Bishop Barham University College joins the entire Diocese of Kigezi to commemorate the late Bishop Kivenjere.

Festo Kivengere (1919–1988) was a Ugandan Anglican leader on occasion referred to as “the Billy Graham of Africa”. He played a massive function in a Christian revival in southwestern Uganda, however had to flee in 1973 to neighboring Kenya in fear for his life after speakme out towards Idi Amin’s tyrannical conduct
The University is having different activities such as enrich missions, out rich missions and crusades. BBUC will hold an overnight on Friday and climax the commemoration of Festo Kivenjere on Sunday the 31/07/2021. Speakers who will speak during the mission week include ;Reverend Kwesiga Ambrose who heads Divinity and theology at BBUC, Reverend Amos Tweteise the Diocesan Secretary Kigezi Diocese, and Rev. Just Ayebare Parish priest Bushuro Parish.

Keep BBUC Clean

The Uganda Red Cross Society Kabale Branch in conjunction with the Red Cross Club of Bishop Barham University College engaged in a cleaning exercise around the college on Thursday 21st of July 2022.

Irafasha Godfrey the Chairperson of the Bishop Barham University Red Cross Society BBURCS noted that they collected and burnt the pollutants to make sure that the environment is preserved for the good of the university and the world at large.

Irafasha further appreciated the manager of Uganda Red Cross Kabale branch for sending members from the society to cooperate and ease the work.

Isaac Matsiko, one of the volunteers from the society appreciated the club members for the cooperation and noted that cleanliness contributes to living healthy lives in any community.

Matsiko indicated that the initiative is under the Red Cross umbrella and also driven by individual passion to keep the environment clean.

Matsiko also revealed other activities done by the society including helping in implementing some projects like farming, partnering with the blood bank to receive blood from donors and use it to save lives of patients among others. He further called upon whoever wishes to join the Red Cross Society to contact them and be taken through the membership process.

Western Uganda Bishops Elect Rt. Rev. Gaddie Akanjuna as BBUC Chairperson Governing Council.

Western Uganda Bishops Elect Rt. Rev. Gaddie Akanjuna as BBUC Chairperson Governing Council.

Diocese of Kigezi Bishop Gaddie Akanjuna has been elected as New Bishop Barham University College Chairperson Governing Council.

Akanjuna was chosen by fellow Bishops from the 14 Dioceses of Western Uganda, i.e. Ankole, East Rwenzori, Kigezi, Kinkiizi, Muhabura, North Kigezi, North Ankole, North West Ankole, Ruwenzori, South Ankole, West Ankole and South Rwenzori.

Akanjuna replaces Emeritus Bishop George Bagamuhunda who retired in June this year.

The Uganda Christian University Vice Chancellor, Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi presided over the election and the subsequent swearing in ceremony of Akanjuna, at White Horse Inn Kabale.

While addressing the meeting after his election, Bishop Akanjuna pledged commitment to his new assignments, and asked for cooperation from all the 14 Dioceses that are entrusted with the oversight role to the college.

Bishop of South Ankole Diocese, Nathan Ahimbisibwe said he welcomed the election of Akanjuna and pledged maximum cooperation to ensure that Bishop Barham University moves to a higher level of academic excellence.

The Care taker Bishop of North Kigezi Diocese Patrick Tugume Tusingwiire said he expected the new Chairperson to help improve the beautification of the BBUC by raising enough funds through improved student enrollment and other fundraising forums.

The election process was kicked off with a prayer devotion, that was followed by speeches, in which the BBUC Principal Dr.  Alice Kyobutungi Tumwesigye outlined the needs and challenges facing the college.

 Some of the needs mentioned included improved facial appearance of the college infrastructure, which she argued that it would attract more students than the current overall enrollment.

Consecration and Enthronement of the 6th Bishop of Diocese of Kigezi

The Most Rev. Dr. Stephen Samuel Kaziimba, Archbishop of the Church of Uganda has arrived in Kabale ahead of the consecration & enthronement of the 6th Bishop of the Diocese of Kigezi.Rev Canon Gaddie Akanjuna will be enthroned this Sunday at Kigezi Grounds as the 6th Bishop of Diocese of Kigezi.

Over 60 attended the Internal Research Seminar at UCU/BBUC

Uganda Christian University Bishop Barham University College held an internal Research Seminar on 18/02/2022 in the University Mult purpose hall. This was intended to help students come up with good research proposals, Know more about the research processes and Dissertations. In attendance were the, Research Supervisors, University Current post graduate students and Post graduate students currently in the field.

In his Remarks Professor Emmanuel Karooro the facilitator of the day Urged Students to have focus prior beginning on their research topics. He requested them never to be afraid of research saying it’s not as hard as most people say it is ‘’Research is for the prepared Mind’’. Different facilitators of the day advised students to elude from paying people to help them do their research noting that it’s hard to defend a proposal you have not done yourself. Research needs time and good communication from both the Student and supervisor

In his closing remarks the University College Secretary Mr. Ivan Habaasa appreciated Facilitators for sparing their time to Come to UCU/BBUC and share Knowledge. He further applauded students for making it appoint to attend the seminar Organized by the post graduate department under the care of Mr. Turyakira Ladryslas. He requested them to come back again when called upon because more seminars in the area of research are to be held.

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