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BBUC Student leaders hold their maiden Leadership retreat.

Bishop Barham University Guild council has undergone their yearly guild leaders training today the 28/02.2023; This was held at the University premises. This is the leadership training that is always organized under the office of the Dean of students.

 It’s always done for every new guild government after taking the oath of allegiance. The training was intended to equip student leaders with the skills they need to lead effectively, including the often-tricky skills needed to persuade and influence people even those over whom they have little direct authority.

The college principal Dr. Alice Kyobutungi Tumwesigye encouraged students to think creatively. She reminded them to look up to God for a successful term of office. Mr. Ivan Habaasa the University secretary encouraged students to work hard and leave a legacy for themselves. He defined legacy as the number of souls one motivates or helps in a life career.

Habaasa told students to work closely with the administration in order to serve better letting them know that peace is the best promise and achievement the guild could ever give back to the community they are serving.

H.E Owen Stiffler the serving Guild president pledged royalty, unity, and corporation in return to the administration. He implored that the university should fund guild projects as they look forward to serving UCU better for the glory of the Lord.