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Rugby! A life changing sport for the girl child

Games and sports are important in every society. They involve everyone  that is players and spectators .There are many types of sports; soccer, basketball and rugby are some of the team sports in which teams play against each other well as golf is an individual sport as well as athletics. Sports often reflect the culture of a country in which they are played. In many ways, sports define a society. They show how people can make a living and also sports entertain people. Most of all, they give people something to focus on and follow which is a sort of release from the stressful chores of everyday life.

I am a rugby player. I started playing rugby in August 2022 and learnt a lot from it. I was in my second year Uganda Christian University Bishop Barham College when I had my first game. In all honesty, the game is not only remarkable but also scary. The scariest part was the fear of being squashed by the gigantic playmates. Rugby however has the capacity to boost ones confidence and enhances one’s self-esteem since it boosts a player’s instincts and skills in the game.

I commend my friend Swiffah Nduhukire who introduced me to this sport and convinced me to start playing it. To my great surprise and pleasure, with continued practice, I became the woman of the match that happened in the first circuit out of the three circuits that took place in Masaka. .  In that game, we managed to be the second.  A rugby player or any other sports person is motivated by cheering of the spectators. The loud ululations are like food to a sports person. We were the overall winners and we were given three trophies. I remember that day vividly 3rd September my birthday. We received the trophies at Kakyeka stadium in Mbarara. This was indeed the happiest moment in my life.

After one week, I was invited to go for trials on the Uganda Women Rugby under twenty (U20). The Western Rugby Manager supported me to and from kyadondo and fortunately I emerged a winner on the National team. I enjoyed my first Rugby game with Kenya at Wankulukuku stadium Mutesa 2 where we made five tries to zero as I made my try as well. Remember on my new team I did not know anybody but because of teamwork and being a sports lady I managed. And everyone including my fellow players got surprised when I made a try.

My second game was with Zimbabwe where we drew and that meant we had been knocked out. That marked the end of my participation in that tournament but I came back with joy and happiness. Am grateful to God for am the first female Rugby player in my university, family and friends to play for the nation. I have established myself on the National team and hope to play more games in the future. I want to thank my university Bishop Barham especially the principal, the university secretary, the dawn of students, the public relations officer and the coach. On a special not my parents, my most loved boyfriend Leni and friends especially Leticia, Brina and Swiffa for the encouragement and support always.