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To; our Esteemed friends, supporters, well – wishers and our dear students,

I greet and welcome you in the matchless name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I take this opportunity to let you know that the University Council & Board, Staff and Management of Uganda Christian University – Bishop Barham University College are grateful to each one of you in your respective capacities.

The University offers Academic programmes that emphasises Christian ethics, servant leadership and moral values. She offers education at a reasonably affordable cost with her excellent up-todate Library, Computer and internet services with e-Learning services that offer online teaching and learning to our dear students.

It is through your continuous total support that has collectively impacted on the University growth and development. We therefore appreciate you as our stakeholders and pledge to continue training and equipping our students with the required skills and knowledge as we develop the communities and Nation at Large!

The Finance department has a team of five (5) people under the headship of the University Bursar who is responsible to the University Secretary and a member of the University Top Management. The finance department is responsible for budget implementation and its supervision alongside Revenue collection and utilization.

The above is done anchoring on the University Vision as “A Centre of Excellence in the Heart of Africa” and Core values of; Christ – Centredness by acknowledging the Lordship of Christ, Diligence whereby our work is a service to the Lord Jesus, Integrity – a moral Character with honesty, transparency, truthfulness, faithfulness and humility, Servanthood as we serve God’s people (Clients/Stakeholders), Stewardship by being faithful servants for God’s glory.

In everything that is done in the finance department, we embrace professionalism cultivating a culture of Trust by doing the right work, thinking critically, working efficiently and effectively with others, Innovative and working in the digitalized era at a digital speed in a disciplined manner, respecting ourselves and all other stakeholders.

I therefore call upon all our readers and stakeholders of our Cherished University to utilize efficiently and effectively the information herein and use it to make informed decisions for the progress and development of UCU – BBUC.

I encourage our readers and stakeholders to use our online services that are available 24/7 with standby professional technocrats.

To those who wish to pay or contribute/donate to the University in a foreign currency, refer to the University fees structure for bank Account details with transfer details.

We are grateful to UCU – Main Campus who have invested a lot in our University to the current level/status, Indeed we are “A Centre of Excellence in the Heart of Africa”. We continue to appreciate all our stakeholders for walking this journey with us, we request and pray that you press on and share this word with a friend so that together we can build our institution to greater heights; Plans fail for Lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed ( Proverbs15: 22)

JUSTINE TUSHEMEREIRWE (+256 772 441 288/ 702 898 871)


(BA (BA), CPA(U), MBA)

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