+256 701325901

Education Department

The vision of the department is “Prepare teachers of students not mere teachers of disciplines who will not just inform but form learners into good citizens.” Our mission is “to produce teachers that are competent in their specialised disciplines, spiritually nurtured in Christian faith and equipped to turn the profession into an enterprise.”

The department has a number of programmes including BAED (Bachelor of Arts with Education)/B.SC/ED (Bachelor of Science with Education. It takes three years (6 semesters) to complete. At the moment a student is required to choose two teaching subjects from History, Geography, Economics, Entrepreneurship Religious Education, Computer studies and Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Agriculture and Kiswahilli.A student may also choose a double main subject in Fine Art  and English /Literature. In the Second and Third year ( 4th and 6th semester) a student  in regular programme undergoes school practice in any school of his or her choice in Western Uganda.

In addition to specialising in two teaching subjects or one teaching subject, a student is obliged to study Professional and Foundation courses that are distributed throughout the three years of study. The Professional courses include General Teaching Methods, General Psychology, Educational Psychology I and II, History of Education, Philosophy of Education, Sociology of Education, Curriculum and Educational Technology, Educational Administration, Comparative Education, Economics of Education, Introduction to Research Methods and Guidance and Counselling. The Foundation courses include Understanding Old Testament, Understanding New Testament, Understanding World Views, Health and Wholeness, Writing and Study Skills, Elements of Mathematics and Basic Computing. Students with Mathematics as one of the subjects are exempted from doing Elements of Mathematics just as those doing CRE as a subject are exempted from Understanding Old Testament and Understanding New Testament.

The Department also runs BED (Bachelor of Education programme).A student may choose to offer it on Full time basis or on Distance Education (Recess).It targets students with a Diploma in Primary or Secondary education and it takes duration of two years.  We also run    a        one     year Higher     Education Certificate (HEC) for ‘A’ leavers and Grade III teachers. The department also runs a Pre-Year course for international students from non-English speaking countries.

The department coordinates the runs a Master of Education     in Administration and Management (MEAM) and a PhD in Education.

 Gastone Habarugaba

M.PHIL(GEOG),(NTNU),BA/ED(Hons)(MAK),PGHRM,(UCU)Cert. Admn Law,(MAK),Cert. M&E(UMI),Cert. PLM(UMI)