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July 31, 2024


A Time of Reflection and Renewal: UCU Leadership’s Visit to BBUC Kabale, Uganda

Throughout the bright days of July 22nd and 23rd, 2024, as the sun begun to rise; Uganda Christian University (UCU)-Bishop Barham University College (BBUC) in Kabale Uganda, welcomed the UCU Senior Leadership team on a Support Supervision visit. Led by Associate Professor Aaron Mushengyezi, UCU’s Vice Chancellor, the team comprised of  Assoc. Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi, UCU Vice Chancellor, Rev. Assoc. Prof. John M. Kitayimbwa, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs), Mr. David Mugawe, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Finance and Administration), Assoc. Prof. Angella Napakol, Director of Academic Affairs, Ms. Harriet Adong, Director Communications and Public Relations (VC’s Office), Mrs. Halima Nassanga Mutabazi, Head of Finance and Ms. Florence Nakiyingi and  Director Human Resource & Administration. The team leveraged this opportunity to celebrate achievements, discuss and propose solutions to the challenges facing the institution, and envision a shared future.

BBUC Administrators and Departmental Heads welcomed the visiting team. The energy was palpable, a mixture of anticipation and excitement. Associate Professor Mushengyezi with his calm demeanor and warm smile, set a reassuring tone for the engagements that followed.

Day 1 began with a tour of the campus, showcasing the recent upgrades, renovations and developments. From the new investments in infrastructure to the state-of-the-art library stocked with recently donated multidisciplinary books. The pride in the voices of the guides, a mix of students, teaching and none teaching staff, was evident as they spoke about the positive impact these changes had brought to their academic experience.

Following the tour, the leadership team and the college representatives gathered in the Malt Purpose Hall for a series of presentations. The University College Principal kicked off the session with a welcome address, expressing gratitude for the continued support from UCU. Associate Professor Mushengyezi then took the stage, acknowledging the hard work and dedication of the University College community.

“We are here not just to supervise, but to learn from each other. Your achievements are our achievements, and together we can overcome any challenges that come our way.” Prof. Mushengyezi said.

The presentations that followed highlighted the milestones achieved by the University College over the past year. Key to note is that; Academic performance has improved, extracurricular activities are thriving, and community engagement initiatives are receiving widespread recognition. There were also honest discussions about the challenges faced: the need for more resources, the struggle to maintain student motivated to study and further explore opportunities, and the ever-present pressure of staying ahead in an increasingly competitive educational landscape.

After the presentations, the floor was opened for a candid Q&A session. Staff members   voiced their concerns, asked questions, and shared their ideas for consideration as we all worked towards realizing an improvement in the way we deliver services to our clients who include students, parents, guardians, well-wishers, UCU partners, alumni among others. The UCU team listened intently, taking notes and sharing insights where necessary. The atmosphere was collaborative, with a genuine sense of partnership in the room.

The visit concluded with a brainstorming session focused on envisioning the future. Small group meetings were formed, mixing UCU leaders, university college Departmental Heads, and Administrators. These small group discussions ignited creativity as group members discussed innovative ideas for curriculum enhancement, ways to integrate technology more effectively in all university college activities, and strategies to foster a more inclusive and supportive learning environment among others. The ideas flowed freely, and the energy in the room was infectious.

As the days drew to a close, Associate Professor Mushengyezi addressed the gathering one more time. “These engagements have been inspiring. We have seen the fruits of our labor, acknowledged our hurdles, and laid the groundwork for a brighter future. Let us continue to support each other, learn from each other, and grow together” he said.

The UCU Senior Leadership’s visit to BBUC was a success. These were days of reflection, collaboration, and renewed commitment to excellence within the Center of Excellence in the Heart of Africa. As the team departed, there was a shared sense of optimism and a strengthened bond between UCU and BBUC teams, ready to face the future together.