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UCU-BBUC Commemorates the Life and Legacy of the Late Diocese of Kigezi Bishop, Kivengere in Special Tribute Service

Uganda Christian University’s Bishop Barham University College (UCU-BBUC) held a special service today to honor the late Bishop Festo Kivengere of the Diocese of Kigezi, recognizing his enduring legacy. The commemorative event, held on May 16th, 2024, at the University grounds in the Northern Division of Kabale Municipality, Kabale District, served as a heartfelt tribute to Bishop Kivengere’s unwavering commitment to evangelism, peace, and unity, particularly during Uganda’s tumultuous era under the dictatorship of Idi Amin Dada.

Born in 1919 and passing away in 1988, the late Bishop Festo Kivengere was often hailed as “the Billy Graham of Africa” due to his indelible mark on the Christian landscape of Uganda and beyond. His steadfast advocacy for peace and fearless opposition to tyranny continue to inspire generations of believers, embodying the enduring power of faith in the face of adversity.

Today, during the college’s customary community hour service conducted within the college chapel, provided a fitting backdrop for reflection and reverence. Attendees, including campus staff and students, gathered to honor Bishop Kivengere’s remarkable religious leadership and his enduring impact on the region and beyond

Preaching during the function, the Missions Coodinator of the Diocese of Kigezi, Rev. Daniel Byamukama, delivered a stirring sermon that encapsulated Bishop Kivengere’s ethos of love, integrity, confidence, and selflessness. Urging the community to emulate the late Bishop’s unwavering faith, Rev. Daniel underscored the importance of evangelistic outreach and spreading the message of love and compassion.

Speaking during the service, Rev. Agaba Moses, the college’s chaplain, eloquently highlighted Bishop Kivengere’s enduring legacy of love and mission beyond borders. Quoting Bishop Kivengere’s profound words, “To hate is to die, to love is to live,” Rev. Moses emphasized the imperative for continued dedication to the gospel and extending kindness to all.

The commemoration elicited heartfelt responses from attendees, including Mr. Arinaitwe Isaiah, a theology student at UCU-BBUC, who expressed deep appreciation for the message of love and urged fellow Christians to follow in Bishop Kivengere’s footsteps.

As the commemoration week unfolds, UCU-BBUC reaffirms its solidarity with the Diocese of Kigezi in honoring Bishop Kivengere’s enduring legacy. The college’s participation underscores its commitment to nurturing future generations imbued with the values of love, service, and faith, echoing the timeless principles exemplified by Bishop Festo Kivengere.

Every year, the Diocese of Kigezi hosts Bishop Kivengere’s memorial week as a way of recognizing and celebrating his efforts.