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Principal's Message

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the official website of Uganda Christian University- Bishop Barham University College Kabale. As the head of this prestigious University College, I am honored to introduce you to a place where innovation, excellence, and community come together to shape the leaders of tomorrow. As the head of this distinguished institution, I am honored to introduce you to a community that is deeply rooted in faith, committed to excellence, and guided by our motto: “God the Beginning and the End (Alpha And Omega).” As UCU-BBUC, we believe that a strong foundation in faith and values is essential to personal and academic growth. Our motto encapsulates our belief that God is central to all we do, guiding our endeavors from start to finish. This divine inspiration drives our mission to foster an environment where students can grow not only intellectually but also, spiritually, and morally. Readmore

Undergraduate Programmes

UCU has various Diploma and Bachelors programmes spanning over 3 intakes; Easter (January), Trinity (May) and Advent (September).

Postgraduate Programmes

The University offers a number of Postgraduate Diplomas, Masters and Doctorate programmes throughout the year.

Short & Professional Courses

UCU offers a number of highly marketable Short & Professional courses at its Main, Mengo and Kampala Campuses

UCU is a leader in online distance learning (ODL). We have been consistently teaching throughout this COVID time, whether fully online or in a blended capacity, so our students’ learning has been able to continue uninterrupted. We have been able to conduct our take-home and online exams uninterrupted. All this is possible only through our commitment to the technology, using tools such as Moodle, Zoom, and BigBlueButton, but also through our commitment to our students. We are committed to using the available technology to build community, to provide a quality education and equip our students for productive and holistic lives of Christian faith and service.