+256 701325901

Environmental Science & Disaster Management Program


Welcome to environmental science and disaster management program. The program targets a harmonious living between the environment and its users.

The environment and its inhabitants have lived in harmony for thousands if not millions of years supporting each other. This interaction can be equated to a very large tree that draws nutrients and support from the soils underneath and in return, it protects the soils from being carried away by agents of erosion, in addition to donating some useless old leaves that are incidentally very useful to the soils in a sense that they can again turn into soil nutrients and keep soil held together. The same interaction for all the countless years would seem to have been equal, but in reality, the analysis of the situation is that the environment actually gave much more than it was receiving. At the very basic level, one can single out human beings as the main beneficiary of this arrangement, after all God created them and put them in charge of all things on the earth.

The process of the environment providing more to human beings and getting less in return has continued to become clearer especially after human beings found out new ways of forging tools that could be used to exploit more of the environment during the 17th century in what is commonly known as the industrial revolution. The existence of tools meant that human beings could now open up more land for farming, cut off more trees for construction, create mobility structures etc. This created favourable conditions for human beings and as their quality of life improved, so was the desire to have an extra family member and another one, and another one just like any living organisms whenever they get enough resources. This in addition to other reasons have increased population over the time.

Meanwhile the support provided by the environment to human beings has increased exponentially while the return support from human beings has done the exact opposite-reducing exponentially to near zero in some instances. The resulting effect has been the deterioration of the environment consequently leading to other major issues such as climate change. These issues are in turn coming back to haunt human beings by creating weird health conditions, affecting food systems, increased frequency and intensity in disasters (both naturally and human related). In order to address such huge and diverse issues, the need to understand the dynamics of the environment, how it gets damaged, the consequences of failing to protect it, and what can practically be done, have never been as important as they are today.


The Environmental science and Disaster Management program operates under the department of Engineering and environment.

Mission: Environmentally-centered Education and Training in Engineering and Environment

Vision: An internationally acclaimed engineering and environment teaching, research, and consulting program developing integrated sustainable solutions to contemporary issues.

The program was designed specifically to not only train and provide cutting edge solutions to the environmental issues and interactions mentioned above, but also to create a new pool of likeminded, intelligent thinkers and champions who will further this whole process and pass it on to the next generation, better than they found it. The program is founded on the idea that upon completion of this course, the graduate should be able to:

  • Demonstrate practical skills on aspects related to environmental issues.
  • Apply research principles in managing emergencies that come out of disasters.
  • Demonstrate ethics and integrity in managing disaster.
  • Innovative and creative in problem solving.

The program is offered both in Bachelors (Duration-three years) and Diploma (Duration-two years) levels with two intakes: Advent semester (September intake), and Easter semester (January intake).

Career prospects

The demand for graduates of this program can only increase given that most governments and development partners’ attention have of late been shifting to cleaning and sustaining the environment following a worldwide concerted desire to reverse the effects of damage already created on the environment. You will recall Sustainable development goals to give some clarity. In the meantime, graduates can seek careers as: Environmental officers, conservation activists, disaster and risk managers, environmental project managers; Environmental impact assessment officers, natural resource management officers, teachers, and Development workers, among others.


Bachelor’s in Environmental Science and Disaster Management

National applicants must hold at least the following:

  1. UACE certificate, with at least two (2) Principal Passes at the same sitting, of which one must be in either Geography, Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Mathematics and Entrepreneurship.


  1. In line Diploma from a recognized Institution of higher learning with at least a credit pass in relevant science subjects.


  1. A Pass in Mature Age University Examination

International applicants must have qualifications that are recognized by National Council for Higher Education in Uganda.

Diploma in environmental science and disaster management

  1. National applicants must hold an A Level certificate: One (1) Principal Pass in either geography, agriculture, biology, chemistry, Economic, Mathematics and two (2) subsidiary passes at the same sitting.
  2. International applicants must have qualifications equivalent to above and recognized by the National Council for Higher Education of Uganda

Are you passionate about conserving the world? Do you like to see a change in the way the environment operates and what has been going wrong? Do you want to contribute to shaping the environment we and our future generations deserve to live in and enjoy for ever? If your answer is yes, look no further. Join and be part of the champions that will secure the environment we all desire for us and everything that lives in now and in perpetuity.

Julius Mashemererwa

+256 774 854053

MscSAFS (RAU), BALUM (MUK), PGD PPM (KAB), GIS cert (GIS corps)

Course Coordinator: Environmental science and disaster management